
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy New Year

I met Doreen and asked about her new year's resolution, so she told me something amazing you can also follow her in 2019 and can be a person who can think about other people in the world to make this world a better place to live in, Have really good New Year Head💝

Brooklyn Botanic Gardens

Last week I went to Brooklyn Botanic Gardens and that was such an amazing experience for me, there were thousands of plants and many were new to me. I must say that some genius gardeners managed that Garden. They kept different atmospheres, and different temperatures for  different kinds of plants and trees so amazingly, in each room. One room temperature was cool and the other was dump and one room was made as a real desert and there were plants which can be found in desert. The atmosphere either it is Desert or jungle or a little home Garden which are made in small rooms give you the real and natural feelings, when one goes in to room. There were  many plants from old time. A plant was 500 years old that was more than an antique.Here comes its picture Then there was an unbelieveable plant which had tiny flower on its leaves, first those flowers apeared as flies to me but later I realised that those are  flower, I was astonished, really I can stil

Buried twice

O world is not it enough for you I have buried myself in my body And now You want  me to be buried again!!! In your so called norms and Social standards you set By heartless inhabitants
I feel alone in company And feel myself whole When i am alone  Every time i meet people, They steel a bit of me They empty me

Free Me!!!!

From bitching brains Open ruthless tongues  Bitter poisonous lies  And Allegations    Assumptions Self interest and hatred  Showing our life hell Before death These powerful Sins are enough To kill kindness  Love and peace  Good are few  Struggling hard  To save themselves  From being bad

Live and Let Live

We are given with a certain way of life in this world and we are given a lot of rights to make our own way, as we want. But I have seen that people around us, judge us too much, and those who are in any kind of relation with us, try to control our ways, thoughts and decisions. It is seen that men do not interfere in other's family life or there are very few men in numbers but women are taking interest in other people's lives more than their own lives  They want to overpower other's life. I don't know what kind of satisfaction they are getting through this. Women's brain works so fast in this respect, instead they are doing many hectic tasks of their own family, confronting many issues of their own even then they manage time to interfere others life. Positive suggestions and indulgence, in other people's life, to solve issues is good but to overpower their whole life is too bad. This leads toward breakage of relations.  That is the reason we are not close to


Time and again It tried to tear Train of thoughts Of my worldly affairs I gave it words now and then But never allowed To have a place with my name  and to get the worldly fame To live with me to achieve  eternity It only flowed in blood to brain It took me to imagining lands Of deeper peace with no strains Inner peace gave the way In letters exist to spread rays I am made to think like that Change can never take it away Lustrous ways for soul awaits Hidden spontaneity will speak aloud With more power than the past Its still alive!!! I am Alive! To give a meaing to my life

Theft By Gaze

I have seen the pride in eyes I have seen the lust's haste Prides sits with back straight On peace lust can never stay I have seen a sinning  eye, I have smelt its maddening  waves Its unstoppable effects, brain to brain I have seen its Darkness and pain Its filth boils many brains Know the food of lust and vain Peace-less lives! again and again!! Those who have kept inside They have power to understand And to stop its maddening waves From cultivating mind to limbs To show, what they have planned They use body, To Overpower soul Then it controls many more To achieve a desired end But Alas! It fails in End                                             (Tasmia Khatoon)

Why Should we take care of our health

Millions of people are searching health tips everyday on the internet.They are facing numerous health problems because of their unhealthy lifestyle. It would be easy to maintain a good health and wellness forever if you are ready to do slight modifications to your daily lifestyle and activities. If an object gets damaged, there are possibilities to fix and repair the liabilities related to it.If the health of the body is damaged then it would cause a sequence of health  issues   that   has to  be treated forever by  finance  the time and  cash . People who are neglecting to take care of themselves and are at high risk of having low self-assurance and unhappiness in their life.